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Macroeconomics Formulas

macroeconomics formulas, macroeconomics, gdp rate,


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) = C + G + I + (X-M)    

* GDP Per Capita = GDP/Total Population of a country

* Real GDP =  Nominal GDP * (CPI base year/CPI current year)

* Real GDP =  Nominal GDP / (1 + Inflation rate)

* GDP Deflator = (GDP at Current Prices/GDP at Constant Prices)*100

* Real GDP =  Nominal GDP / GDP Price Deflator

* GDP Growth Rate =  {(Current Year GDP/Last Year GDP)-1}*100

* GDP Growth Rate =  [(Current Year GDP - Base Year GDP) / Base Year GDP] *100

Measuring National Income

* GDP = C + G + I + (X-M)                                              ....    Expenditure Approach

* Gross Domestic Income (GDI) = R + W + I + P + Depreciation + Indirect Business Tax - income of residents from foreign source + income of foreigners in the country = National Income      ....Income Approach

* GDP = Total Output Produced by firms (Three Sectors) in a country              ..... Output Approach

* National Income (NI) = GDP                                                                                ......... Primary Measure

* GDI = R + W + I + P + Depreciation + Indirect Business Tax                     ........  Other Measure

* GNI = GDP + Net Property Income from abroad (includes foreigners spending in the country) ..... Other Measure

* Net Property Income from abroad = Income from Physical and Financial assets owned by the citizen of the country abroad -  Repatriation of income from Physical and Financial assets owned by the foreigners in the country

* GDI =  R + W + I + P + Depreciation + Indirect Business Tax (net amount after deducting subsidies) = C + G + I + (X-M) 

(Note: Please, comment if you have any updates regarding the formula in the comment box)

* GDI = GDP (Approximately)

* Gross National Income (GNI) =  GDI + Net Property Income from abroad (includes foreigners spending in the country)

* GNI =  R + W + I + P + Depreciation + Indirect Business Tax (net amount after deducting subsidies) + Net Property Income from abroad (includes foreigners spending in the country)

* Net Output or Value Added = Value of Total Final Goods Produced - Value of Total Intermediate Goods used in Production of the Final Goods

* Net Domestic Product = GDP - Depreciation

* Net National Income (NNI)= GNI - Depreciation

* NNI = NDP + Net Income from abroad

* National Income = GDI + Net Property Income from abroad - Depreciation - Indirect Business Taxes (Sales Tax, Excise Tax etc.)

* National Income =  R + W + I + P + Depreciation + Indirect Business Tax (net amount after deducting subsidies) + Net Property Income from abroad - Depreciation - Indirect Business Taxes (Sales Tax, Excise Tax etc.)

* National Income = GDP + Net Property Income from abroad

    National Income = GNI 

    National Income = NNI + Depreciation

* GNP =  GDP + Net Property Income from abroad (does not include foreigners spending in the country)

* Personal Income = NI - (Corporate Retained Profit + Corporate Income Taxes + Social Insurance Contributions) + (Transfer Payments + Government Interest Payments)

* Personal Disposable Income = PI - Income Tax Payments

* Personal Saving (Individual) = PDI - Personal Consumption Expenditure

* Private Saving = (Sum of the Personal Saving) + Business Savings (Business Savings = Retained Profit + Depreciation)

* Private Saving = GDI - C - T (Where C = Consumption spending, T = Taxes)

* Public Saving = T - G (T =  government Income from Tax, G = government expenditure)

* Investment = Private Saving +  Public Saving (When net export  = 0 )


* Consumer Price Index (CPI) = (Current expenditure on a basket of goods and services/ Base period expenditure on a basket of goods and services)*100

* Inflation Rate = (Current period CPI / Base period CPI)*100

* Demand-Pull Inflation = Increase in Aggregate Demand in the Short-run

* Cost-Push Inflation = Decrease in Aggregate Supply in the Short-run

* Deflation = Decrease in AD leading to falling Price Level


* Workforce Participation Rate = (Labour Force / Population at Working Age) * 100

* Labour Force = Employed + Unemployed = Active Population

* Inactive Population = Population at Working Age - Labour Force

* Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed / Labour Force) * 100

* Employment Rate = ( Employed / Population at Working Age) * 100

Balance of Payments (BOP)

* BOP = Current account balance + Capital and Financial account

* Current Account Balance = Balance of Trade in Goods (Visible Balance) + Balance of Trade in Services (Invisible Trade)

* Balance of Trade in Goods (Visible Balance) = Physical Exports - Physical Imports

* Balance of Trade in Services (Invisible Trade) = (Invisible exports - Invisible imports) + (Inward Primary income - Outward Primary income) + (Inward Secondary income - Outward Secondary income)

Capital and Financial account = (Inward Investment - Outward Investment) + (Inward Portfolio Investment - Outward Portfolio Investment)

Fiscal Policy

* Tax Revenue = Direct Tax + Indirect Tax

* Direct Tax = Income Tax + Corporate Profit Tax

* Indirect Tax = VAT + Duties

* Spending = Expenditure on Current Goods + Expenditure on Public Goods + Expenditure on Defense +  Expenditure on Education + Expenditure Infrastructure + Healthcare and so on.

* Balanced Budget = Spending = Tax Revenue

* Budget Surplus (Fiscal Surplus) = Spending < Tax Revenue

* Budget Deficit (Fiscal Deficit) = Spending >  Tax Revenue

* Contractionary Fiscal Policy = Spending < Tax Revenue

Expansionary Fiscal Policy = Spending >  Tax Revenue

Monetary Policy

* Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest - Inflation Rate

* Quantity Theory of Money = MV = PY or MV = PQ

* Contractionary Monetary Policy = Setting Interest Rate at Higher Level or Decreasing Money Supply through Quantitative Easing

Expansionary Policy = Setting Interest Rate at Lower Level or Increasing Money Supply through Quantitative Easing

Exchange Rate

* Real Exchange Rate = (nominal exchange rate * domestic price index)/ foreign exchange rate

* Terns of Trade = (export price index / import price index)*100

(Note: Please, comment if you have any updates regarding the formula in the comment box)


Note - Formulas are taken from the following sources.

* Study.com

* Economics by Peter Smith (NNI - 194)

* Economics by Colin and Grant 

* Economics by Gregory and Ruffin - GDI - 118, PI-122, PDI,PS,Ps-123,123,

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