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Google search console site map URL error on blogger

 How to solve the google search console site map URL error on blogger?

It`s been really tough to deal with the SEO problem of my blogs. Google has so many systems that are so complex to understand that an ordinary man who is not literate with computers will always find it hard to cope up with. The same happened with me, no matter how many times I tried to understand and solve those systematic issues, it always perplexed me more. 

How to solve google search console site map error issue, site map error,
Site map error

Anyway, though I could not succeed to enhance the SEO of my blogs, I have got success to solve the google search console site map URL error problem.

How to solve google search console site map error issue, site map error solution,
Site map error solution

I can guarantee you if you follow the steps I have followed to solve the site map error issue then your problem is bound to be solved.  

how to solve site map error problem, site map error solution
Solution for site map error

How to solve the google search console site map URL error on blogger?

Here are the steps as followed;

Step 1 - In order to solve the site map error problem, you have to log in to your blogger and make sure your blogger account or domain name is verified. If in case you are not a verified owner then you should verify your ownership first. To verify, you will have to follow these simple steps.

After log in to your blogger go to settings on the left side of the desktop screen. Please follow the visuals.

Solution for site map error, search console site map error,
Solution for site map error

Then scroll down to crawlers and indexing. There you will find the google search console. You may also go to the google search console directly by searching it on google search. It would be better to go through the settings as Google would be able to identify you better through your blogger account.

Solution for site map error, search console site map error,
Solution for site map error

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Google search console site map URL error on blogger